Being away from the house this 4th of July weekend is a fantastic way to step back and think on the goals for this first week of the project.
Geneabloggers Genealogy Do-Over Week One [Link]
1) Setting Previous Research Aside
2) Preparing to Research
3) Establishing Base Practices and Guidelines
The first step should be easy. The scope of this project for me will focus on my Mom’s side of the family. Paper documents that I have are slim for the most part. I do have a Family History written by a cousin that I can put aside easily for this project.
I have photocopies of my Great Grandfather’s travel documents from Hungary including a school report card, which I will hold aside. I have made an additional copy of them and will hide the one I previously scribbled up with translated words in the spirit of ‘starting over’.
I also have a film on the way from the LDS but I will go through the process of ‘finding’ it again to make sure I have it written down properly and all.
Step 2 has been harder due to time but I have been clearing out a nice spot on the desk and moving some files about on the computer.
I plan to build a spreadsheet in Google Doc’s to track the work and sources.
I have also gathered a list of source citing templates so that I can make sure above all, that this part of the process is proper.
Lastly, I will set aside the tree for the moment and build a new one on both the Family Search web site and on Roots Magic Essentials (so that I can compare.)
Step 3, base practices. I still need to do a bit of research on this one but I have been looking at a few different research plans and approaches. In the next episode of Discovering Your Past will be talking about them as well so for the moment I only have a few ideas.
While I want to devote as much time to this project as possible, I know that I should set aside some time specifically. With two jobs that may be tough to ‘schedule’ but as we get rolling I will try to lock something in.
I am looking forward to the do-over and can not wait to learn from other peoples experiences in the Genealogy Do-Over Facebook Page [Link].
I look forward to seeing what you come up with about my side of the family.