Do-Over Week 2

The second week of the Genealogy Do-Over project was to focus on the following topics;

1) Setting Research Goals, 2) Conducting Self Interview, and 3) Conducting Family Interviews

So lets see how I did.

It was suggested to set the research goals after the interviews. Going into this project I know that my ‘big picture’ goal is to learn more about my mother’s side of the family.  After the interviews I am sure to narrow It down a bit so more about this a bit later.

I did my self interview the first day of this Do-Over week.  At first I thought It was going to be difficult but in the end It  went pretty smooth. I was trying to be cautious of not including information I know I gained because of research.  One thing that surprsed me is how I would date things such as when we used to live in Fort Wayne Indiana for a short time.  I know that it was at least between May 1977 and March 1978 or… Between the premiere of the original Star Wars and the Blizzard of 1978.

While outside of week 2, I have plans to interview my Mother on Sunday and film the process. I have been doing research on things to ask and I think I have a pretty unique spin on how I want to approach talking about who her relatives are… but we’ll have to wait for episode 2 to see how that goes.

For more information on the Genealogy Do-Over check out

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